31 juil. 2016

Inquisition : un nouveau morceau en écoute

"Vortex From The Celestial Flying Throne Of Storms" c'est le nom de ce nouveau morceau.
Le nouvel album du groupe, "Bloodshed Across The Empyrean Altar Beyond The Celestial Zenith" sort le 26 août via Season Of Mist. Deux autres extraits sont à écouter dans la suite.

Power From The Center of The Cosmic Black Spiral

Wings of Anu


1 Intro: The Force Before Darkness
2 From Chaos They Came
3 Wings Of Anu
4 Vortex From The Celestial Flying Throne Of Stoms
5 A Black Aeon Shall Cleanse
6 The Flames Of Infinite Blackness Before Creation
7 Mystical Blood
8 Through The Divine Spirit Of Satan A Glorious Universe Is Known
9 Blodshed Across The Empyrean Altar Beyond The Celestial Zenith
10 Power From The Center Of The Cosmic Black Spiral
11 A Magnificent Crypt Of Stars
12 Outro: The Invocation Of The Absolute, The All, The Satan
13 Coda: Hymn To The Cosmic Zenith